Wednesday, December 10, 2008

What was your reaction When Obama's Senate Seat Went up For Sale?

Yesterday, Governor Rod Blagojevich was charged with conspiracy to solicit bribes.  He was (allegedly) trying to sell President-Elect Barack Obama's Senate seat.  I mean, the quotes are amazing!

Here's Governor Rod Blagojevich yesterday tauntin the FBI:

Not even 24 hours later, this was the AP report:

Wow! Talk about full-circle!  President-Elect Barack Obama has called for Rod Blagojevich to resign - and the chorus is chiming in as well.

This is appalling but not surprising.  Some would say, this is Chicago at its best!  What do you think?

What did you think When Obama Named Hilary Clinton as Secretary of State?

President-Elect Barack Obama named Hilary Clinton as his Secretary of State.  Many people think many different things about this.  Pesonally, I think it was a great move - politically.

Why?  Well by removing Hilary Clinton from the Senate, Barack Obama has effectively neutralized her.  She is now on his team and must respect his wishes and enact his agenda.  In the Senate, Hilary Clinton could have served as a stumbling block to Barack Obama's agenda.  Moreover, she would remain as a threat to him in 2012.

But, that's what I think.  What did you think?